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Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy 420

Each year, there are 29,000 deaths related to firearms, 85,000 to alcohol, and an astonishing 435,000 of deaths are related to tobacco. How many deaths are related to marijuana use? Zero. Now, I'm not saying everyone should be stoned, a pothead can be extremely unproductive-and not everyone likes to feel high, just like not everyone likes to feel drunk. On any given day we can find an article in the paper or Lifetime movie about the drunk asshole who beats up on his wife and kids. I have yet to hear about the guy who smoked a joint and did. . . well anything. I'm just saying that if alcohol is legal and no good ever comes out of being drunk-why is a plant-that isn't even physically addictive and is proven to help cancer patients sending people to jail for longer than rapists? Why isn't marijuana treated like alcohol? Prohibited from minors, illegal to drive while under the influence of, etc. Because the government can't tax it if I'm growing it in my closet. One day the government will figure out how to monopolize the marijuana market, and the days of getting high in your shed will be a memory.

Family Guy - Bag of Weed

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